Building Biology

What is building biology?

Building biology is the study and investigation of the health hazards in homes and built environments that affect the well being of people.

It’s a science with a wholistic approach to creating living and working spaces that promote human health and wellness.

The focus is on several key areas including building materials, air quality, drinking water, allergens, mould, germs, toxic gases, electromagnetic fields, chemicals, dust mites, personal care and maintenance products, light, geopathic stress and energy efficiency.

Why is building biology important to your health?

Some refer to the built environment around us as our “3rd skin” because of how close we are connected. Everything we breath, ingest and touch influences our health for good or bad. Good building biology principles help us to create clean and healthy environments.

By prioritising clean air, you can improve indoor air quality, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and allergies. By addressing mould and moisture problems you can reduce asthma symptoms and fatigue. By minimising exposure to electromagnetic fields many people report better sleep and mental health. And by incorporating natural materials and elements you can enhance comfort and psychological well-being.

Healthier buildings benefit children in their development, help adult productivity and stress levels, and improve the well-being of the elderly.

What does a building biologist do?

Building biologists help create healthy, natural and sustainable living environments that positively influence human health and vitality.

There are 2 main parts to what building biologists do…

  1. Investigation, testing and consultancy advice/recommendations for…
    • mould problems
    • indoor air quality
    • allergens
    • chemical reduction
    • sleep and work optimisation
    • stress reduction
    • indoor toxins
    • electromagnetic pollution
  2. Consulting, planning and management for creating healthy, non-toxic and greener homes and buildings
    • new construction
    • remediation of sick buildings
    • building material selection
    • energy-efficiency
    • lighting selection

How to find a building biologist in your area?

Many building biology consultants come from the building, construction and engineering industries. Others have a background in health or medical industries. Choose a consultant with interests and experience in the areas you are looking for assistance. It’s easy to Google “building biologist (your area)” or visit the Australasian Society of Building Biologists here…

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